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Did Stable Diffusion Give you a Virus?


Don't get pickled! Click on this Link to watch a quick YouTube short on this topic. For a detailed video tutorial check this guy's tutorial out.

Before I even being to explain that comment above, I will first have to tell you pickling means and it has nothing to do with cucumber.

There are a few definitions of pickles. There is the Urban dictionary version which in some way can also mean the same thing I'm about to explain to you.

Pickling or a Pickle in Python means "serializing and deserializing a Python object structure," in laymen's terms you're turning a cucumber into a pickle, so people don't know it's a cucumber i.e. Virus. That's probably a gross oversimplification so here is an example from some big-brained people.

By the way the urban dictionary version used in a sentence is "I just got pickled" so technically they are similar definitions.

Well...That's great. What do I do now?

Let me introduce to you.. The PICKLE Scanner!

First and foremost! The Pickle Scanner is NOT the guy in bootcamp that doesn't look straight ahead while in the showers.

"I said what-what in the..." Click on Gif for more info.

The pickle scanner is a tool that will Scan your Stable Diffusion Model Folder CKPT or CheckPoint files. If that doesn't ring a bell. These are the huge 4GB files you get from hugging face.

Alls you got to do is...

Step 1. Download the Pickle Scanner files from the Github repository in this link. You can do this by clicking on the green button at the top that says code to get the option to download a zip file.

Step 2. Take the zip file and unzip it into your Stable Diffusion main folder. This is the folder that you run your WebUI-User.bat file from.

Step 3. Download the Runtime bat File from this link and drag this file into the root folder where you just unzipped your Github repository files.

Step 4. go to your Stable Diffusion/VENV/Scripts Folder and right click on the Python.exe in that folder and select "Copy as Path".

This will copy the root address of that specific file which we will need in a second. If you don't have a VENV folder, your virus scanner might of already deleted it. By the way VENV stands for virtual environments in Python.

Step 5. Go back to the root Stable Diffusion Folder. Open notepad and drag the pickle_inspector run.bat file into the notepad so you can edit it. You can also

right click on the file and open with notepad. Replace the text in quotations with the information you Copied as path from the python.exe file. Now save and close that document.

Step 6. Moment of Truth. Click on the pickle_inspector run.bat and let it go to work. A brief CMD prompt will pop up but you won't see the results there. It will print out a file called scann_results.txt when it is done. Open that up and verify that everything says "SCAN PASSED!"

Outcome 1: "Yay! All good and all Scans passed. - Well, good for you buddy. Pat yourself on the back, your cooties free.

Outcome 2: "What is this....scan has not passed?" - Erase those files immediately and scan your computer. If you antivirus does not find a probably try online scanners from bit defender or online scanners that are specific for python issues such as these. I'm sure in a couple of days or weeks this will start being caught by most of the Virus Scanners out there but it doesn't for some and a lot of people using free anti virus's don't have active protection.

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